Juniper Gardens operates in Mohkinstsis and acknowledges that these gardens are on the traditional territories of the peoples of the Treaty 7 region and the Metis Nation of Alberta, region 3. Whenever possible we encourage the use of native plants to honor the land that once was, to respect the practices of the people who were its original caretakers and to help ecologically repair the damage that has been done.
Amber Hebert (she/her) is the founder of Juniper Gardens and is originally from Winnipeg Manitoba where she spent her summers running wild through the Aspen Parkland Forest (minding the poison ivy of course). She came to Alberta to study drawing at the Alberta College of Art & Design (now AUArts) and spent her summers tree planting all across Canada. Her time spent amongst the natural world planted a deep appreciation of trees and flowers that suitably evolved into an obsession of gardening and gardening design. She earned her Master Gardener Certificate in 2011 and has completed a number of horticultural and design courses from Olds College and the University of Calgary. She has worked as a florist and has participated in a number of floristry design workshops that align with the slow flowers movement. She has over 10 years of horticultural experience in maintaining Calgary gardens and is dedicated to using sustainable practices to encourage homeowners to step outside of their conventional maintenance routines. She has a keen eye for design and a practical sense of plant placement. When not in the garden, she is a homebody that loves to spend time with her partner, two energetic sons and her dream dog Ruby.
Photo by Christin Geall